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In this course, students explore the relationship of existing and emerging processes and technologies to manufacturing strategy and supply-chain-related functions. The course addresses three main topics: aligning resources with the strategic plan, configuring and integrating operating processes to support the strategic plan, and implementing change.

For maximum comprehension of course content, students should be familiar with the information and concepts presented in other CPIM modules before taking this course.


  1. Aligning the Resources with the Strategic Plan
  1. Competitive market issues

  1. Operations strategy development and deployment
  2. Order winners and qualifiers
  3. Implications of competitive marketing issues
  4. Identifying, developing and retaining the customer
  1. Choices affecting facilities
  1. Effect of volume and product mix
  2. Effect of product processes and techniques
  3. Effect of factory design
  4. Effect of demand on capacity
  1. Choices affecting the supply chain
  1. International issues.
  2. Choices of customers and suppliers
  3. Supply chain communication
  4. Supply chain accounting.
  1. Choices affecting information technology.
  1. System architecture and networking
  2. Organizational and technological infrastructure
  3. Data capture, storage and retrieval
  1. Choices affecting organizational design.
  1. Organizational structure.
  2. Employee involvement
  1. Configuring and Integrating the Operating Processes to Support the Strategic Plan
  1. Configuring and integrating the priority planning processes

  1. Business planning
  2. Operations
  3. Project planning
  1. Configuring and integrating the capacity planning processes
  1. Internal capacity
  2. External capacity
  1. Configuring and integrating design and development processes
  1. Product design development
  2. Process design and development
  1. Configuring and integrating cost management processes
  1. Cost management.
  2. Asset valuation
  3. Decision-making
  1. Implementing Change
  1. Evaluating and managing projects.

  1. Managerial considerations
  2. Project evaluation and justification of specific projects
  3. Project implementation issues
  1. Measuring organizational performance
  1. Fundamental measurement concepts
  2. Aggregate productivity measurement
  3. Product cost measurement
  4. Quality measurement
  5. Delivery speed measurement
  6. Delivery reliability measurement
  7. Flexibility measurement
  8. Objectives and performance measurements of inventory
  9. Measuring and rewarding performance
  1. Managing change in an organization
  1. Managerial considerations
  2. Organization design
  3. Motivation
  4. Implementation phases


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Last modified: April 13, 2005